Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jejak Kasih

Last Saturday morning,as usual,my husband & I went to 2020 to have our breakfast. We brought my mum along with us as we already made a date with the OKKs from Bintulu who were also bringing my aunty with them. The Mirians were late. By the time we reached 2020,the OKKs had already had their makan. "Laju Apai Maie driving." ko iya ke indu.
"Ngantuk ti driving kelalu slow."ko iya ke laki

A set of burung merpati sejoli came even later!! Finally we got to meet my niece's "Knight in shinning armour", Mr. C. I could see that "Love is all around."
Fret not my dear for "London is only a few thousand ringgits away." Ha..ha..ha..
Uncle D's friend who was always jetting in & out of London many years ago said that to him & he was talking not about the economy class but the Business Class. I hope he still says the same thing when he meets Uncle D...,now that he's retired.)

Anyway,we had a great time squeezing in whatever cerita & berita there were to be shared among families. I forgot to bring my camera that day because of a change of bag. Hope the OKKs can upload the photos in either his or her blog.