Sunday, September 28, 2008

Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Carroll's wedding reception

Studio photos greeted us at the entrance of the ballroom as we queued to get in
Enpin,Bulan,Endu & Bob....bala waiting outside the ballroom to welcome guests.
E,Endu,Bob & muk
Rida,Jenna & Nana

The ballroom was many people.

The ballroom was packed..must have been about 60 over tables because all I could see was a sea of people and also most of the people I had never seen before. The MC for the evening was Ellison Ludan & the band in attendance was William Sim's band. Bob gave a short speech welcoming guests & at the same time thanking them for their gifts & presence. Most of all,he thanked Enpin & Bulan for doing all the preparations & he was very happy at the arrangement & preparation,both the church's & the dinner's. He also thanked Rev Peter Quek for the wonderful church service at Canada Hill the day before & yesterday's itself & gladly welcomes Jill to the family.
After Bob's speech, Enpin also gave a speech,giving praises & thanks to God for the occasion & tusut menusut that indeed,Vernon & Jill are 3rd cousins through their grandmothers.
Guests were later entertained by cultural dances & music.
Feeding each other with the wedding cake that Endu baked & icingkan. I like the idea of a 3tiered wedding cake because one can actually see the wedded couple,cutting & feeding each other. A few times,with the wedding cake dummies provided by the hotels,there were times when one could hardly see what's happening..kena lindung multi-tiered cake. Not only the wedded couple kena lindung,the parents from both sides pan kena lindung.

Come dancing with the in-laws......

Bulan giving up the dancing with Enpin

Come dancing with me...ko Bob & Endu

Angeline,Sparrow,muk,Lyn,Irene & Alex.

Ha..ha..just incase kita nanya"Ni Jenny ke pedis patung..nama nya enggau urang poco-poco. Enggai nyadi enda poco-poco,Irene nyu ngelawa aku,mai berpoco-poco. Endu & Alex nyu bendar ngepai ngasuh ke stage berpoco-poco. Endu dudi niki stage,nya enda kena gambar. Ila ngasuh poco-poco teacher,Alex, ngajar sida D,Bob & others berpoco-poco.
Jessen aka Ujang gining-gining ngiga anak bujang iya Kenny. Senyum Ujang kena ticket di malam.
Marin,Bob,John,Jackson & Philip

Martin,Bob &Jackson

Date: 27th September,2008

Venue: Imperial Ballroom,Mega Hotel

The uploading of the photos seems to take for those of you who have been visiting my blog to read what I have in store for you would have to wait much longer. Let me do some story telling: At about 3.00pm while deciding whether I should go to the hair salon to have my hair done,I received a phone call from my tailor,informing me that she could not get my baju done in time for the dinner. Being puasa month and at the sound of her voice which sounded as if she was about to cry,I quickly calmed her down & said that it was okay if she could not finish it. She blamed it on the texture of the kain which was silky & fine. Tersangkut aja-aja mesin jahit aku kena kain iya,ko tudah tuai. Sik hal lah Jemaah,mun sik dapat,genaylah gaya,ko aku. With so many wedding dinners for the past few weeks, Muk pratically runs out of baju to wear. There's this blouse that Ta bought but there's nothing to nangkup it. So what to do...I had to make do with the shawl of the kain that I was supposed to wear. Shawls are good to have...if you kind of run out of baju to wear,just wrap a selendang or shawl over one's plain baju. Never mind if it looks like one is carrying a towel over one's shoulder or one looks like batman/batwoman with the shawl/selendang on. Mind you, the selendang/shawl did a good job for me last night. While most people were shivering because the hall was very cold, my bulu roma did not angkat at all. I try to believe that the shawl gave me the warmth and not the fats underneath my skin.

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