Wednesday, February 13, 2008


I have not been feeling well,lately. I blame it on my hormones working against me. In short, I am at that crucial pause of my life..the 'meno' pause.Ihave been 'popping' pills,vitamins,neuro vitamins,pain killers as in panadol & some other antibiotics. Vision Pharmacy is making tons of money from me because without fail I would go there at least once a day,if not for me,it would be for my mum or husband. My gums are 'shrinking' and I get gum ache every now & then, & had had to have a tooth extracted some months ago even though the tooth was still good. The dentist was a bit annoyed when I accused him of not doing a good job 'matikan' the nerves of that particular tooth..root canal something lah & it wasn't cheap. My body just keep aching for no apparent reason. AND I HATE it when friends say that it's "sakit tuai".
I used to say that when my mum complained of body I know that is not a kind thing to say. Be more sympathetic to people's plight or pain instead of the standard comment..Ageing..Udau tuai..sudah tua. What a thing to say!.
This morning ever since my mum has been seeing the doctor for her toe dressing for the past 3 weeks due to diabetes,I asked the doctor to examine me. I told him that I felt a sharp pain somewhere on my right arm especially at night. Last time I blamed it on the birds' pooh/tai burung because I had to wash away the dirt. Now I cannot blame it on the pooh. I was worried it could be something else because Cath described to me the symptoms she experienced before she knew she had breast cancer. I was quite worried that MCMC had not called back to let us know the result of the mammogram until late this afternoon when Julia called to say that the result is okay. Praise God for that... anyway about the pain on my right arm, I hope it's just some nerve pain.
The good doctor attending to my mum, Dr. Peter Lee warned me that I should lose weight and to control the food I take because the likelihood that I get diabetes is hIGH! No more COCA-COLA, name it..all the nice food is a NO>>NO>>NO.!!! I see my poor mum's toe is having a hard time healing but thank goodness her blood sugar count from 19 has gone down to 6.2 today. For this CNY she was only given a segment of the sweet orange & that she had to let it stay in the mouth for a few minutes before swallowing it. Itu limau tidak bagus..manyak jahat..ko doctor. Every food is JAHAT.