Sunday, June 22, 2008

St. Columba's Church Patronal Dinner

Seated: Noria,Indai Karina,Karina,Angela
Standing: Muk & Angga aka Doris of Pemerindang Puteri Blog,who is back in Miri until August.

Angela,Doris & Peggy

Angking,John Trang,Fr.Edward Enggu & D.

For Betty & Inyau,if you are reading this: Ketawa Fr. Enggu ninga kami dua D nusoi cerita ke di tusoi seduai pasal "engketut". Ha..ha..

Eileen,Glo,Mary,Josephine Puntang
Music Conductor: Josephine Augustine

Eric,Mag & Jo

Audrey,Alvin,Eric & Magdalene

Josephine on the keyboard playing a medley of gospel songs including our favourite..'Leave it all to Jesus'

S Talenta strumming away.

The Golden Voice.....Suara Emas
Bishop Bolly was supposed to sing but he called Fr. Ugil,from Good Shepherd,Lutong to sing,instead. How could you refuse a request from the Boss,kan...

Fr. Ugil,from Good Shepherd,Lutong,representing Bishop Bolly, singing "Biar Bekikis bulu betis". Ya,why not,it is not easy to collect RM16,+++.++ for the New Church Building Fund at any function unless of course,there were some waibees around who 'dug' out from their waibees' grants.
Well, Bishop Bolly truly knew who he should call to represent him for Fr. Ugil did not disappoint
us..he really could sing very well. Most priests can sing..Fr. Ronnie Cannidy,Fr. Stanley Bunseng, Fr. Nelson Ugas,Fr.Steward Janggot & Fr. Edward name a few.
A mandatory item...poco-poco.

Evelyn Storie,Chairlady of Miri Women Fellowship, handing a bouquet to Mary Jean,wife of Bishop Bolly.

Evelyn Storie,Mary Jean,Bishop Bolly & Fr. Ramdan Mejem

St. Columba's Patronal Dinner was held at Imperial Hotel Ballroom last nite.(22nd June) Bishop Bolly and his wife were the guests of honour.The ballroom was packed,food was good and the various church organisations did their best in their presentations to make the evening an entertaining one. I did not go on a photo taking spree last night..too many photographers around.