WARNING: Strictly restricted to fellow punters only. ..& this post is only to entertain bala readers . ha..ha..(not to be taken seriously)
This post is in response to the comments left by bala readers of Sebugey on my previous posting of places that I would like to visit before or upon hitting 50. Ha..ha..
BUT first thing first...how on earth am I going to go where I'd like to go to? It's not like I am earning $$$$$$$$ lots of it!!! (That's why I want to be a loaded ATM.)
Any ideas,people? Rob a bank? Nah..nay...enda kuat ngelari kediri..abis tepinchat belanda peda urang ba cctv,alu nemu urang nya aku.Minta duit ari pak aji bahkil?teratatat munyi machine gun lagi.
Kerja ngagai tasik saudi arabia nyadi tukang masak? (iya ga enda nemu kerja tau ke experience bukai baka Kaban,Kawat,Ravi & bala bukai ke gawa over the 7 seas)..enggai nyadi,enda nemu nyemerai. Ti nemu nyemerai nyu ka minta kerja ari Jetli nyadi kitchen helper ba tasik. ha..ha..ha..
Kerja ke New Zealand ngumpul buah apples..pedis ngema ma/selabit penuh buah apple. Asai putus punggung ngema lanji penuh buah apple ko bala ke udah belelang ke NeW Zealand. amat nya Ju?
Kati ko neh???
Ngerituk ASB???
Nginjau duit Ta? or Indai Yok....or Kaban? Ha..ha..ha.. TAU ke nganti kena tiket.????
Sama-sama kita meda kati kitai ka raun......stay tuned!!