Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Apa takut?

Makan saja.....jangan segan

Don't cry for me, Argentina.....

The truth is I never left you
All through my wild days
My mad existence
I kept my promise
Don't keep your distance


Miss Argentina...Baby. PHHHeeewwwiiiitttttt!!!!!!!

I wonder what would Diego Maradona has to say about this....
I bet he'd say," WoW!! Beautiful." "Tergugat iman saya," ko iya ti iya nemu jako melayu.

Photo dirompak from Josephine's blog showing Baby,the make-up artist who was with the SIDS members last Wednesday night giving us tips on how to put on make-up. Here,she's Miss Argentina at a 'beauty' contest held last Saturday night.