Monday, October 29, 2007

My friend - si Kurus

My friend si Kurus ( the skinny) was in town so we had breakfast at (where else?) 2020's. It's been a while since we last met together with si Pendek at Ming's. I shall write about si Pendek later. Si Kurus has been a friend since early 90s and is also a friend to Mang. We somehow 'click' and can talk about everything under the sun and no matter how serious the topics of conversations are we can still find the "humour" in them.
When Si Kurus got married to Mrs. Si Kurus , Mang & I together with a few others went to an island for the wedding. We made a big mistake by not going a day earlier for the wedding. The 8am flight to the island was delayed and we were given an alternative, to fly to a city and then get the connecting flight to the island. By the time we reached the island, the church wedding was over.Too bad,we missed it. Mang had to miss the wedding dinner because she was only allowed a day trip by the Home Minister. The rest of us stayed a night & attended the wedding dinner.
Si Kurus has 3 children,the eldest son is bigger than him. I noticed a few 'worried' lines on his forehead already. Si Kurus likes travelling and his latest destination was Laos with the airline that says"Now everyone can fly".I thought I saw some grey/white hairs before this mtg. Could it be possible that he had his hair dyed? No cheating here...we must not hide/colour our white hair..we must age gracefully. Actually,the grey hair is not a result of him getting old but caused by 'wanting to go travelling'.

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