Blink..blink.blink.....and before you realise it, the children are getting ready to leave you first,for tertiary education and then leaving the family nest to seek fame & fortune,maybe or to get married. I remember having a conversation with Florence sometime ago and she was asking about my children. I told her and something she said to me after that got me thinking...She said it's about time when a child reaches a certain age,he/she should leave the nest and build a nest for himself/herself. In short, something like what most of the
Orang Putih's children do when they have reached a certain age,whereby they detach themselves from their parents..have their own place to stay. Be INDEPENDENT is the word.
I remember when my two brothers got married and left the family home to stay in their own homes,my parents,my cousin & I felt the emptiness even though they only live a stone throw away from us. I know a friend who was so reluctant to let her sons leave home when they got married that she insisted they stayed with her but of course, it could only last for a few years because the
off springs started multiplying so grandma could not hold all of them together in one house as much as she had wanted to. Moral of the story is: Spend time bonding with your children..before they get bonded with their future partners. HAPPY BONDING!!!!
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