Monday, February 2, 2009

A Bleak Gawai?????

I know I am among a few who are already thinking what a bleak Gawai the Ibans are going to have this year especially those of us who are relying on rubber,pepper,oil palm & padi as a means of livelihood. The rain & the flood have brought much hardship to the people affected by the floods. I doubt if there is any padi left to harvest for those who planted padi some months ago because around this time of the year the padi are supposedly ready for harvesting. The rain stops rubber tappers to milk the rubber trees. When the price of rubber shot to an amazing high,pepper planters abandoned their pepper gardens because the fertilizers were expensive & so they concentrated on tapping rubber. It is also not a pretty picture for those who are into the oil palm business. My cousin told me scenes in and around the oil palm plantations where buah sawit were left to rot because the roads were impossible for the hilux or whatever vehicle to drive through.
Come rain or shine,still we have to be thankful & grateful to the Lord Our God.

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