Saturday, November 17, 2007

He taketh,He giveth,.....................

The Diocesan News

.......picture of Bishop Bolly & his family

D & I posing with His Lordship,Bishop Bolly @Hilton,Kch,during DP Tan Sri Jabu's & YB Sen Empiang's daughter's wedding lunch reception in January,2007.

As usual,we attended the Iban service this morning @St. Columba's Church. we're hoping to have the "Last supper' prepared by Fr. Janggot as he promised a few weeks ago where he would like to say his 'goodbye' before leaving for Abok, his new posting, tomorrow. Unfortunately,this was not so, this morning it was Fr. Enggu who celebrated mass while Fr. Janggot's celebrating mass in Lambir & in AEC,Taman Tunku, this evening.

At the entrance of the church,D picked a copy of the Diocesan News and this is what I want to write about in this posting.

I always look forward to reading the front page of the Diocesan News whenever I could get hold of it. The publication comes out quarterly from Kuching. Before Bishop Bolly takes over, it was Bishop Made who wrote the Message. Both bishops write beautifully;their choice of words & command of the English language and messages that come out from the hearts inspired by the Holy Spirit; both truly chosen by God,our Heavenly Father, to have led and lead His flocks.

I would like to share with you Bishop Bolly's glimpse on the recent Clergy's Retreat which goes like this.."In their Retreat the Clergy came to God and to one another,not to escape but to pause from the hustles and tumbles of their Parish ministry in order to be refreshed for service. Indeed for some who were at the point of exhaustion or whose vocation was at its lowest ebb, a time for Retreat could be an occasion for a new beginning,a rebirth of new vision and purpose for their ministry." In another paragraph, he goes on to say,"Into the very hectic scene where the Diocese was all hyped to rise up above the rut in where there was a bewildering mixture of celebration and lamentation, of frustration and hope;(news of death of a priest) was a chilling reminder of the setting where God is placing us. With death the bell seems to ring its final toll. But right at the heart of the Gospel is the proclamation that the chime does not end with death but with life."(Quoted from Bishop Bolly's msg)

On the second page of the Diocesan News, Mdm Mitty Chai wrote an account of Bishop Bolly's wedding to his bride,Mary Jean Baba on 18th August 2007. The Dean,Revd aeries Sumping solemnised the marrige at the Bishop's House garden attended by well about 400 family members & friends.

"The gaiety of the occasion was felt by all present, and the venue was most optly chosen. The Bishop had intended to keep it low-keyed as he felt he had been in the spotlight for much of the past 2 years-the hospitalisation of his late wife, her passing,his bereavement and the trying period leading to his enthronement. For all these,the Bishop has been grateful to his Diocese and wished that his wedding be given a subdued affair,not withstanding its significance."

"There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven...a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance..he has made everything beautiful in its time." Ecclesiastes 3"1-11

(source: Diocesan News 3rd Quarter)

Priests are only humans like you and me....must not go "priest-bashing" each time they make long sermons & put you to sleep.
Yes friends, it is alright to love & live again after the death of one's spouse. Look at Pak Lah, he was smiling & grinning away sitting next to his wife,Jeanne, during the opening of the flyover in Miri recently.
Was it not written somewhere ...til death do us part? Watched Oprah sometime this week about a mother who had 3 or 4 of her children shot dead by her ex husband..and how she was so devastated by this incident that she thought she could no longer live,let alone,love BUT she's found love again; remarried & gave birth to twins.

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